kelteks Edge Protector
kelteks Edge Protectorkelteks Edge Protectorkelteks Edge Protectorkelteks Edge Protectorkelteks Edge Protectorkelteks Edge Protector

kelteks Edge Protector

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NEW solution for the perfect corner reinforcement. kelteks EDGE PROTECTOR is the NEW solution for the perfect corner reinforcement. Fluffy and cuddly fibers are easily squeezed into sharp-edged joints and corners so stress-cracking and laminate chipping is effectively prevented. What is the problem? - There is always the problem that not enough glass fibers go into the sharp corners or edges with a small radius. - Glass fiber mat usually would not stretch into the corner resulting in a “resin-nest” (too much resin) which is not reinforced with fibers. Sometimes air bubbles get trapped in there. These little voids are defects and weak spots, weakening the structural strength of your composite. After un-moulding this unreinforced corner is very sensitive to break, because there are no fibers inside (resin excess). The result is “stress cracking” and that almost always happen in radiuses of corners and edges. - Products that are on the market are very hard and stiff and will not be squeezed into the corner, unless they are really precisely placed. That’s how kelteks EDGE PROTECTOR works: - The structure of the kelteks EDGE PROTECTOR is fluffy and cuddly and is available in different thicknesses. It can be easily moulded and, as an insert in the preform, it adapts well to any contour. - Fluffy and cuddly fibers are easily squeezed into the sharp-edged joints and corners. - Sharp-edged joints and corners in critical component areas are thus reliably filled with fibers and laminate chipping is effectively prevented. - kelteks EDGE PROTECTOR is suitable for all processes of composites making, such as hand lamination, vacuum infusion, pultrusion, etc. - The transversely aligned entanglement fibers ensure a perfect bond to the overlying laminate layers. country of origin: Croatia type: Corner reinforcement industry: Composites variations: kelteks Edge Protector 200 material: Fiberglass length: 50m


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