Abbott PediaSure Strawberry 850g
Abbott PediaSure Strawberry 850g

Abbott PediaSure Strawberry 850g

Über dieses Produkt

We distribute high quality products from ABBOTT. We guarantee the highest quality standards, we only deal with fresh goods directly from the factory.  For your child's growth and development: one serving of PediaSure a day helps your child grow strong and healthy, even if they are sometimes picky about eating. Immune system support: PediaSure contains proteins, important fatty acids, as well as 27 vitamins and minerals that naturally support the immune system Triple active complex: The unique combination of ingredients promotes cognitive development and strengthens both the immune defence and the body's own growth Easy to prepare and convenient for on the go: For a 225 ml shake, only 190 ml of water must be stirred with 5 heaped measuring spoons of the powder – and the delicious snack is ready Contents: 1 x 850 g PediaSure shake with Strawberry flavour, suitable for children from one to ten years, versatile in preparation, gluten-free.
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